Apply to become a Developer/Housing Provider Partner.
Kāinga Ora seeks to increase the housing supply in New Zealand by initiating housing development projects on under-utilised Crown land.
Kāinga Ora is committed to the delivery or enablement of over 50,000 houses over the next 10-15 years through the sale of over 1,200 clean, clear, serviced superlots that are ready to build on.
Invitation to Participate
DownloadIn order to achieve these ambitious targets, UDD is seeking to engage with developers/housing providers through the establishment of a Developer/Housing providers group.
- “Developers/Housing providers” i.e. parties intending to acquire an interest in land and develop in accordance with a Development Agreement with UDD;
Apply to become a Partner
To apply to be part of this group, please respond by completing this PDF form and submit to You may require the following documents to be part of this application:
- Current financial status
- Organisation structure
- Organisation’s history
- Project 1 supporting info
- Project 2 supporting info
- Project 3 supporting info
Kāinga Ora - UDD Design Guidelines

Kāinga Ora - UDD has an established set of design guidelines for the development projects we masterplan and manage. These guidelines guide our own organisation and our delivery partners, with the aim of ensuring that the built environment we deliver facilitates positive social outcomes. They demonstrate best practice design so that all parties involved know what is required to meet our core objective of creating neighbourhoods that support the wellbeing of our communities.
Questions in relation to the ITP should be made using: